Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Han River Island - 노들섬 [Nodeulseom]

Han River Island
06/10/2012 @  노들섬 [the island under 한강대교]

JC and I set out on Sunday with no certain plans. We only hoped for a little adventure. Surprisingly, without much effort, we found just that. After swinging by the camera shops in 용산 [Yongsan], we went for a stroll, and we ended up finding our way onto one a the islands in the Han. I've seen it a hundred times, but never knew how to get there. We explored this little island, that I'm still not sure whether or not is manmade, and met some fisherman that were kind enough to give us some coffee and let us watch. We were there for quite some time, but not once did anybody catch anything.

After the island, we were looking to have some beers at a river park, but all we could find was the Turtle Ship Pier. Turns out, it's only 3,000 won to rent a kayak for an hour. JC & I shared a kayak and paddled around the Han River. It was pretty great, but unfortunately, we were pretty darn wet after the kayaking.

The last event for the day was youth soccer. We found a game being played by 10 year olds; that's my guess at least. We picked a team and did a lot of cheering. It was almost more exciting than a professional game. We were in the front row, right in the action. There was the ever looming threat of being hit in the face with a ball.

( underside of 한강대교 [Han River Bridge] )

( 63 Building )

( One of our fisher friends )

( Another fisher friend )

( JC )

( Han River )

( A couple under the bridge )

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